What happened when I got stuck in a dress…


I got stuck in a dress and I panicked…

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I was trying on a dress in a vintage store and found one that was gorgeous.

As I pulled it over my head I thought it might be a little too small – surely with a bit of a wiggle I could make it work.

Once again my trained eye did indeed deceive me. It was a little too snug around the hips.

Being the creative type (not really) I decided to turned the dress around so the zip was in the front thinking I could cut the bottom off and make it into a jacket. 

Seeing as I don’t possess ANY dressmaking skills the answer was a firm no.

When I tried to take the dress off, my shoulders were stuck. Both shoulders. 

So I am in the tiny cubicle with the two sizes too small dress on BACK TO FRONT.

The zip was undone to my belly button, bra exposed, arms rendered penguin style. 

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After deciding I could not live in the cubicle I weighed up the following options: 

  1. Panic and start behaving like a maniac in a straight jacket;
  2. Rip the dress and pay for the humiliation;
  3. Kneel down on the floor and meekly call for help. 

I took a full 5 minutes to complete Option 1. It was emotional and exhausting. FAIL

I have to admit I tried to rip the dress but due to my recent experiments with exercise my muscles were no longer listening to my brain. Option 2 OUT

So Option 3 it was. There was nothing left to do but to decide never to come back to this store or part of the city again. I got on my knees and begged for help. 

Everyone was so helpful whilst I died. Dead.

As I made my way home in shock, I was comforted that I didn’t choose just to buy the dress and try it on at home.

I could only imagine the look on my poor husband’s face when he came home only to find me trapped in a dress waiting for him to release me.

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